The cats pretty much rule themselves, that's just how cats roll really. I sometimes feel I am tolerated in my own house simply for the talent of being able to open a tin. I would never go this far though.
As much as Anakin cat loves his boxes (see evidence below), I'd go to the effort only to be thwarted by cat apathy at the end.
What? I'm busy, call back later. |
The Hobbits had asked for their own pets, something small they could look after. We are in the age of small furries. Hamster Dragonborn (aka The Escape Artist) is another blondie with a lovely temperament.
I had tried to push the idea of guinea pigs. My own Gwynnie pig was a sweetheart. I would come home from school, she'd be waiting at the gate to her cage. I'd tuck her into my cardi and she would burrow in, talking to me the entire time. My mother hated her but she was truly the best.
Youngest is set on getting a gecko. Well, it'll be different that is for sure.
So, if all goes to plan, at the end of the year, the humans will be outnumbered by three cats, one dog, a hamster and a gecko. Sometimes I worry that it sounds like we're going down the hoarder route but then I think, stuff it, they're part of the family!