Filipe, just the sweetest heart |
Am in love with this boy, spotted after a link on a forum. Really shouldn't have looked as the inevitable happened.
Now, I love my dog. He is a big dopey family member and our life would be missing something if he weren't here. But as much as he loves us and it is reciprocated, I sometimes think he needs a canine buddy.
When we're out and about on our walks, especially when he is off lead, he wants to be friendly. Some people act as though their dog must remain untouched by the big clumsy oaf, little dogs argue with him, occasionally he finds a soulmate and they run around happily. I have been considering for some time that maybe the answer would be another dog.
I realise I'm going to end up as one of those people with a house full of animals. Our current roster is; one dog, three cats and a hamster. Youngest wants to add a gecko to that and that is fine, he has researched and knows what is up.
To be honest I'd rather be around animals than humans
most times sometimes.
Unfortunately for us this little guy is at a rescue in Southern Spain and although they rehome in the UK it is mainly in Southern England. It has introduced us to a new breed though - Podenco.
I realise no one really looks at this blog. But if there is anyone out there and they want a best friend in time for Christmas...