Not necessarily starting out the new decade the way I wished. For the most part I have been not so much running to catch up but simply running and watching my life disappear in the far distance.
Car = money pit.
Job = not what I would wish for.
Home = chaos.
Self = who is that again?
There is my task list, right there. I need to fix these things and fix them properly once and for all. Last year was spent run ragged helping out everyone else. I spread myself far too thinly and have managed to create a rather unfortunate situation where I have done so much for others that they no longer see the need in doing anything for themselves. That needs to end.
I sometimes wish I could get some more positivity in my life. I know how but it is just finding the time, finding those few minutes where I'm not being expected to do things for others or feeling guilty because I haven't managed to do 6 loads of washing, dried them and put them away all in the space of one evening - an example, one of many.
First things first though, I really need to get a night of decent sleep. That should be easy enough - right. Right?
(Note: I could write the entire list of "To Do" but it would be truly frightening. For me.)
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