On my transition to the end goal of being a curmudgeonly old dear, which I realise it isn't too far a stretch from my current frame of mind, now I have to whittle it down to three pet peeves. Only three!
Again, in no particular order of getting on my frazzled nerves we have:

Snobbery - not to be mistaken with lack of manners but there is a definite link. You are not better by the amount in your bank, by the house you live in or by the car you drive and yet so many believe it to be so. Living in a town with a large middle-class population I see it quite often, I see it in the adults and I see it in how they raise their children. Strangely those with very little and those with an awful lot seem not to be affected by this smugness - it's just the middle, terrified of being seen as being anything less than what they want to think they are and completely missing the point. Take the person on their actions, not the façade they present.
Exclusion - and here I'm going to get a little more specific. If all the kids in a class are invited to a party except for one, if friends go out on a night out but don't bother contacting one of the group, if family members have a get together and purposefully exclude just one - it's just not nice. Of course that person being excluded might be a horror or utter pain in the neck, in which case there are ways to deal with it but it often isn't the case. I've seen it happen, it does annoy me when it is none of my business and drives me crazy when it does.
So, those are my three peeves that will have me chewing my gums in annoyance when I see them happen. I could have gone for things like tail-gating motorists, littering and "expats" but I shall leave them for another day.
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