Oh don't get me wrong, I enjoy fireworks as much as the next person but I view Bonfire Night with the same dread as some see Halloween. Only rather than feral teenagers egging the door it is over eager neighbours spending a small fortune on hosting a fireworks display for their little darlings.
As far as I can see fireworks loose their appeal after about 15 minutes, *bang* *flash* *ooohhhh.* You get the drift. So far I have endured over an hour and a half of the damn things from a neighbour who is holding the fireworks in one hand and the lit taper in the other. I say endured because every year since they moved in they have had fireworks on Bonfire Night, I was prepared, let the cat out early to get him back in before it started, get the dog out in the garden for some exercise. Also I needed to give him (the dog) and try and give the cat some Rescue Remedy to make them calm.
Only they started early...
Husband of course is at work. The perils of shift work, in fact he has never been home a bonfire night which has never been an issue before. The hobbits have school in the morning, I like to get them into bed and unwinding by this time.
I am getting to the stage where I am going to be sticking one of their fireworks up...you get the point.
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