There is a saying I stand by and always have:
A true friend will not lend another money but a true friend would not ask for it in the first place.
I am misquoting badly, I'll edit if I remember it so I look cleverer than I is.
Unfortunately Husband is of a generous heart, I am here to say "I told you so" when someone he has helped shows complete lack of gratitude to the point of making a fool of his gesture. One day he will listen.
People in this country are not poor, we have houses, food, electricity. We may not be able to afford it at the rate of taxes and price rises but at least we can go to bed at night not frightened we will be shot, bombed or have nothing to eat in the morning. So next time you bemoan the fact you have no money don't take the begging bowl to friends, have some dignity and learn the lesson of looking after your money better. If you do borrow any money or take favours then make that your priority to pay it back, not just for the person you owe but for your own respect of self. I really should listen to my own advice you know.
Do you know what has given me the best satisfaction this year? Making up a present for a little boy who lives in a country where they have nothing, we have selected little gifts rather than one big one and the joy in my heart at the thought we can maybe make just one person in this world have faith in humanity then I am glad. It does reek of self-gratification but all I can think about is one little boy thinking Santa actually came this year. Giving really is better than receiving.
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